Light Green, Dark Green, Light Blue, Royal Blue, Dark Blue, Orange, Red, Burgundy, Teal, Purple, Gold, Black, White, Silver, Bronze, Navy, Brown, Pink, Yellow, Cool Gray
Size.인쇄부 크기 3 X 3 Inch
Cup Size/Color 11 Oz /White
Materials.재질 : Ceramic - 세라믹
Description..제품소개 다른 사이즈를 원하시면 미주바이 고객서비스와 상담하세요 855-774-6888 KAKAO ID : miJuBUY
Give an exceptional gift to someone you care about with this expertly designed coffee mug! Our 11 oz. ceramic mug is microwavable and dishwasher safe. However, extreme temperatures may cause damage or fading to the imprint. Just customize imprint on a 3" x 2 3/4" surface area and hand out at your next convention or tradeshow! This versatile promotional product is ideal for businesses within many industries! Rush service options are available!