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M02-2008 Mitsubishi V3000LS-6+TC-ED***sorry:SOLD OUT**<br>
M02-2008 Mitsubishi V3000LS-6+TC-ED***sorry:SOLD OUT**

Buying & Tech Support

Regular price $5,500.00 $550.00 Sale

*Refresh if no change by the new quantity.
  • M02-2008 Mitsubishi V3000LS-6+TC-ED

    Comrac Console
  • 16,400 sheets per hour max speed
    750mm x 1050 mm sheet size (29 1/2” x 41 11/32”)
    Full-APC – SimulChanger Plate Changing 
    Bender-Less Plate Clamp
    Stock Thickness (0.0016 inches to 0.024 inches)
    IPC Touch Screen
    Delta Dampening
    Ink Declutch 
    Harris & Bruno Anilox Coater
    Intellitrax Closed Loop Scanner
    Eleettra Fast Wash Blanket Cylinder and Impression Cylinder wash , Roller Wash
    Abolsute R&R System and Chilled Ink Vibrators
    LithoCoat Coating Pump
    Ink Setinel Systems on 4 units
    Megatronic Grafix Powder Spray Unit
    AMS IR Dryer and Hot Air Knives
    AMS UV Prepped
    204 mil revs = approximately 137 mil imps.