Printed on corrugated cardboard--ndSam
미국에서 저렴한 소량 박스 & 택배용 박스 제작
Regular price
미국에서 쇼핑몰 배송 박스 소량/대량 인쇄,제작 & 무료배송
Printed on sturdy corrugated cardboard
- 미국내에서 다양한 사이즈의 제품을 배송하여야 할경우,
조금이라도 더 신뢰성을 높이며, 고급 스럽게 보이기 위해선
무엇보다 고급 디자인으로 자체 인쇄된 커스텀 박스가 필수적입니다.
- 배송용 박스의 주문수량 및 크기
박스를 소량으로 주문하셔도 원하시는 사이즈의 박스에
원하시는 디자인으로 미국에서 제작되어 공급드릴 수 있으며
여러 조건에 따라 10일-20일 이내에 배송(긴급주문시 25-50%
추가요금 발생) 받으실 수 있습니다.
-박스 최소 주문량: 25개(1개 샘플주문도 가능)
-박스 최소 크기: 3 x 3 x 3"High
-박스 최대크기: 28 x 28 x 30" High
배송용 박스의 재질은 아래 3가지가 가능합니다.
-힌색의 콜러 보드지(Standard White Corrugated Board
종이사이에 충격 흡수를 위해 일정한 공간이 형성된 특수박스)
-힌색의 유광잉크형 고급 콜러 보드지(Premium White Corr. Board)
-브라운색 크랩트지 콜러보드지(Brown colored Kraft Corr. Board)
- 배송용 박스의 인쇄범위
-풀컬러로 박스의 외부에만 인쇄
-풀컬러로 박스의 내부 & 외부 모두 인쇄
-인쇄는 하지않고 원하는 사이즈의 박스만 제작공급
- 박스의 디자인된 파일은 제출해 주시고, 저희 디자인 서비스가
필요하시면, 박스관련 디자인 의뢰 바랍니다. 박스 주문과 동시
진행되는 디자인 의뢰인 경우 55% 할인용 쿠폰 코드를
적용 받으세요 (프로모션 쿠폰코드 : boxdesign55)
- 주문문의
-직통전화 : 1-855-774-6888,
-이메일 문의:
-즉시응답 카카오 ID: miJuP
#미국 박스제작, #미주한인, #박스제작,
#쉬핑용박스, #포장박스제작 #미주박스 #긴급박스
Custom Shipping Boxes That Protect and Present Your Brand
Shipping boxes are the tried and tested way to deliver orders over long distances. Create custom printed shipping boxes that will protect your deliveries in transit and present them in a sleek, professional design.
Custom printed shipping boxes are the go-to packaging solution for orders that need to travel long distances and are exposed to multiple handlings. Choose from a wide range of shipping box dimensions and fit your item exactly, or fit several pieces in one delivery.
We make your shipping boxes in RSC (Regular Slotted Container) style. You can create the design in our intuitive online design tool. This box type is delivered pre-glued for fast, easy assembly. Fold the flaps into the middle then use tape to seal the top and bottom.
Popular Shipping Box Sizes
Customize small or large shipping boxes that will fulfill the delivery’s capacity. You may add allowances on the sides so that the shipping box has room for inserts and packaging. The size range offered refers to the interior dimensions.
** Length: 2" – 30" / Width: 2" – 29" / Depth: 2.5" – 32"
4 Simple Steps to Order
Create your custom shipping box.
Select your preferred size, material, coating, and quantity.
Create your box on our intuitive design tool or have us send a dieline template based on your specs.
If you opt to review your artwork before printing, we’ll send a free PDF proof of your design to approve before we proceed with printing.
Box production takes about 10-12 business days. After this, the mailer boxes are shipped to your address.
Tough and Sturdy Corrugated Cardboard
All shipping boxes are made of sturdy corrugated cardboard.

- Comes in a smooth, uncoated finish
- Thick enough to withstand multiple handling and delivery
- Print your design in extra shiny, high-gloss UV and complement it with a radiant white background
- Perfect for designs with vivid details and colors
- The default look and finish of corrugated cardboard
- Perfect for natural or rustic-themed designs or products such as organic items
Shipping Boxes FAQs
Can I design a custom shipping box online?
Yes, you can create a design with our easy-to-use online design tool. The design tool lets you customize the colors, add logo and images, and adjust the text on the interior and exterior sides of the box.
Do I need an adhesive, tape, or glue to assemble the shipping box?
The regular slotted container shipping box is pre-glued for fast assembly. After folding the flaps down to the middle, use tape to seal the bottom and top.
How many days does it take to produce my shipping box order?
Production time of 1 sample box takes 3 to 4 business days. Order quantities that start at 5 pieces and above take 10 to 12 business days to produce.
What distinguishes Boxes by miJuPrint from other box manufacturers?
miJuPrint assures high quality and a quick turnaround with every order. You also have the option to review the artwork in a PDF proof and approve it before we proceed with production.
For custom quote orders, you can request for a price based on your specifications and expect to receive it after 1 business day. You’re also assigned a box specialist to go over your questions.
What is a dieline template and when should I request this for my shipping boxes order?
If you are planning to design your shipping box in an offline editor like Adobe Illustrator, we will send you a PDF dieline for your specific box dimensions. The PDF dieline shows you the position of each panel along with cut and crease lines, so you can place your design elements in the right position.